Welcome to my digital portfolio!
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
I enrolled in the 'Child Psychology & Early Education' (CPEE) diploma course in April 2018. I am expected to graduate in April/May 2021. I was a CPP2 module representative for the class, in 2019. I was in charge of relaying information, sorting out dates and time slots for the individual assessment, and liaising between my coursemates and lecturer.
I am also an ECDA Training Award (TA) Polytechnic which I received in 2018.
Throughout these 3 years, I am equipped with valuable skills and knowledge to be an Early Educator. You can view my work from the different modules I have taken, in the 'Samples of Work' tab. Besides this, I was also given the opportunity to experience the real-life industry which is further elaborated in the 'Work History' tab.
Modules I have taken:
Year 1:
Academic Writing & Presentation [5ACADWP]
Business Communications [5BISCOM]
Career & Professional Prep I [55CPP1]
Sports & Wellness [1PECPEE]
Children Health & Socio-Emotional [1CHSE]
Development Psychology & Learning (I) [1DPL1]
Development Psychology & Learning (II) [1DPL2]
Introduction to Children's Literature [1CHLT]
IT Applications [1TETL]
Language & Literacy [1LADEL]
Practicum (I) [1IP1]
The Professional Practioner [1PROP]
Career & Professional Preparation II [55CPP2]
Collaboration with Families & Communities [1CFC]
Curriculum Planning & Design [1CPD]
Early Mathematics [1EMATHS]
Env & Social Awareness in Children [1ESAC]
Infant & Toddler Learning Environment [2INTLE]
Psychology of Exceptional Children [2PEC]
The Inclusive Curriculum [1ICU]
The Learning Environment & Classroom [1LECM]
Practicum (II) [1IP2]
The Child & The Creative Curriculum [1CRC]
Year 2:
Apr 20 NIEC-NP Early Childhood Internship
Assessment & Differentiated Instructions [1ADIN]
Capstone Project [1ARTE]
Career & Professional Prep (III) [55CPP3]
Drama for Socio-Emotional Learning [1DSLC]
Teaching Techniques for Preschool Education [1TTPE]World Issues: A Singapore Perspective [9WISP]
Year 3: