Welcome to my digital portfolio!
Year 1 Practicum
Company: Star Learners Childcare Centre
Address: 3 Lor G Telok Kurau, Singapore 426165
Period: May 2018 - July 2018

What did I do throughout this period?
Attached to the Nursery 2 (N2) class for every Friday.
Shadowed the Senior Teacher throughout the Practicum period.
Helped out with the diapering routine for the Nursery 1 (N1) class.
Assisted the teachers during their lessons when they need more help such as giving one-to-one guidance.
Gave one-to-one guidance to children that needed it, during the N2 core lessons.
Supervised 2 N1 children every morning as they had to sit out for their outdoor program.
Supervised children during their free-time play at the outdoor playground.
Engaged the N2 children with story-telling during transition time such as showering to preparing for nap time.
Supervised children during arrival where they have a free play before morning asembly.
Helped out with arrival and dismissal of children in the centre.
Helped out with the fire-drill practise which was to ensure all children were safely evacuated and doing the roll call for the N2 class.
Observed 1 Kindergarten 1 (K1) child throughout the Practicum period to practise documentation skills.